Hubby got an i-pod for his present this year but silly old Santa neglected to get him a cover for it and `its started to get scratchy` too quote the old man. Inspired by Cathe Holdens` tutorial at Just Something I Made I set about making him a personalised leather case. Not only have I renewed my neglected love affair with my sewing machine(somewhat thrown aside for the cosier knitting needles of late), but discovered that leather is just lovely to work with. I have always been wary before.
Spurred on by the sunshine and the horrendous rip off price of £2.85 for 5 of the tiniest slices of gluten free tiffin (I am gluten intolerant if I have not mentioned it before), and not to be outdone by my daughters baking extravaganza`s; I whipped up a batch of yummy Tiffin to be proud of and the best gluten free loaf for ages. The mix I am using just refused to rise and I was about to change to a new one. Guess it must be the fancy new mixer my parents got me before Christmas. Lovely present, thanks folks, xxx
Hi Joy, The chair is lovely isn't it. The link said Home Sweet Home but it didn't work! Thanks for entering, I've pinched a biscuit, they looked so nice!